I hope it was clear that 99% of what I posted was pure
bull which I hoped you all would find humorous.
I have seen several automotive forums where the
subject of SUV's came up and flame wars ensued. It
normally starts with a post that says something like,
"I hate jackasses who drive aggressively in SUV's."
Then a chorus of "Yeah me too. Their drivers are all
morons." Followed by "Don't they know SUV's are a
money making tool for (pick one) big oil, the big
three, Enron or Satan." This is then followed by "I
drive an SUV and I'm not moron. I use it for more than
commuting." Then a someone will join in with, "How
dare think of restricting my choice in vehicles you
liberal, tofu/wheatgrass eating, Ralph Nadar/Joan
Claybrook wanabee, tree hugging, anti-american,
godless communist." This is answered with "Maybe we
should to protect us from conservative,
12-hamberger-eating, Rush Lembaugh wannabe,
baby-seal-killing, right-wing-conspiracy-plotting,
fascist tools of the establishment like you." It goes
down hill from there. God help you if people start
quoting statistics.
Please note that this is an exagerated desription of
events. This forum usually does not head down those
kind of paths. I hope we don't.
--- Larrybsp@aol.com wrote:
> <from:larrybsp@aol.com (Larry Stark)
> You guys are really stretching it.
> There is no way you can
> judge a drivers talent from what he drives, be it
> Corvette or SUV. When I go
> to the Thunderhill, Buttonwillow or Laguna Seca the
> paddock is filled with
> SUV's. Now all those SUV drivers are for the most
> part driving the race cars
> they towed with them to the track.
> I can assure you the level of driving talent of
> these drivers exceeds the
> "I'm better than 80%" level. If you can manage to
> fly around Laguna Seca at a
> COMPETITIVE speed you've passed the test. Toughest
> track around but the most
> fun. FWIW
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