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Re: I need to change careers

Subject: Re: I need to change careers
From: "Peter Mottaz" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 18:05:58 +0000
Don't take this wrong...but take the time now to go to school. Go back to 
your JC and take some aptitude/career tests to find out what your skills and 
interests(the web probably has some resources that you could use as well).

Then make your decisions from there. It could be Technical school, the 
military, college, trade/apprenticeship school...but do something to get an 
education. You will find it difficult(not impossible) to get a well paying 
job in the field of your interest unless you get some formal training under 
your belt. IMO

Pete Mottaz

>From: "Jeremy Rine" <>
>Subject: Re: I need to change careers
>Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 16:52:10
>As far as education I graduated High school then started going to a junior
>collage because.  I quit that because they didn't offer any courses in
>anything of interest to me so I quit and got a job.  I work at a movie
>theater for two years working up to Assistant Manager then quit because
>living costs were greater then the pay check.  Now I'm working at the law
>office where I'm basically a paralegal/office manager without the official
>school education.  Everything I know, I know from doing.
>Everything I know about cars, I know from doing to my car or how-to 
>in magazines and books.  I talked with a mechanic friend and he said I 
>probably do better as a parts manager in a dealership then a service
>The areas that interest me most are talking about upgrade ideas for
>autocrossing and suspensions.  I figured that there are more jobs in
>suspension work then there are in part recommendations but know next to
>nothing about operating alignment equipment.
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: "Rob Weinstock" <>
>Subject: Re: I need to change careers
>Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:44:36 +0100
>Not really possible to suggest courses of action without knowing your
>education and work background, and what areas are of interest to you. You
>might like servicing cars, or designing cars, but hate selling them, for


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