Perhaps Kevin was referencing the 2 infamous Pylons at
the Point events of ten years ago. Seriously flamed by
the SOLO2 "management". Those who done that dasterdly
deed were immediately shouted down. Park did not do
300mph. The sky never fell. Gordy postdates this and
is unencumbered. He'll soon learn...
Sears Point, Thunderhill, Crows Landing, Moffett Field
and all the others will not likely happen again. You
only get to use these places up once. GGF is the
exception, not the norm.
Another common factor with these places is they have
been used for that nasty roadracing as well as
autocrossing. This seems to render them unacceptable
somehow as an autocross facility. Coincidence or
conspiracy? Simple economics? Another mystery/
revisionist history topic?
Hey gokarts are cheaper than stock class autocross
cars you know.... even adding the little truck to haul
them in is cheaper. If you can stop short of a
Navigator or Subdivision.
Veni. Vidi. Vici.
I saw. I conquered. I left.
That's Willy's Caesar line isn't it? Old stuff.
Dennis Hale