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Re: Season question: multiple drivers?

To: Pat Kelly <>, "Talley, Brooks"
Subject: Re: Season question: multiple drivers?
From: Dennis & Sherry Armstrong <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 23:31:18 -0800
 I can't see why everyone gets all bent out of shape over this
subject, This sport is for Fun!! Remember that!! I don't see
a problem at a regional event. At divisional events yes.
You will never get away with that. But regional events, Why
not? Hay we are out there for Fun!!

 Most of this year I gave Rob Boynton rides in my car before he
ran, To tell you the truth, I think it may have hurt him more then
helped him. His car does not corner like mine does. So you
never know.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
To: "Talley, Brooks" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Season question: multiple drivers?

> There's nothing that's in the rules that prohibits three drivers in one
> class in one car. In theory, it's supposed to be each driver alternates,
> as Rich U. posts in his message, there is an efficient way. If there are a
> lot of seat adjustments to be made, his method is good. If there seating
> not a problem (like, push a button or two and the seat goes to where you
> want it), then alternating is the most fair.
> Of course, the ride-alongs are a great way to coach an unsure driver, and
> also an excellent way to get a look at the course for the passenger. In my
> mind, that's an unfair advantage.
> When it comes down to crunch time at major events, ride-alongs and
> rides are not allowed, so the sooner everyone learns to drive fast without
> them, the better, in my opinion. It's a matter of practice doing without.
> --Pat Kelly
> ----------
> >From: "Talley, Brooks" <>
> >To: <>
> >Subject: Season question: multiple drivers?
> >Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2002, 9:27 PM
> >
> >It's a bit hard to believe that the season is just around the corner!
> >
> >I'd like to follow up on a thread from several months ago regarding
> >multiple drivers.  At the time, there seemed to be some angst about
> >double and triple driver cars, especially when a competitive driver got
> >multiple ride-alongs before each run.
> >
> >Is that still the feeling?  Or are there any new rules in that area that
> >I've missed?  Would it be preferable to people if the most competitive
> >driver took all three runs first, then rode along on coaching sessions
> >with the less competitive drivers (who might still be top-half or
> >mid-pack)?  Or are same-group co-driver ride-alongs discouraged
> >altogether?
> >
> >Thanks
> >-b

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