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Re: AutoX vs. Road Racing

Subject: Re: AutoX vs. Road Racing
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 13:38:03 EST (Larry Stark)

                        After autocrossing for 20 some odd years I've 
transitioned to road racing. The two are not comparible. Road 
racing is much more physically draining than any autocross. 
After twenty minutes in a fire suit, balaclava, gloves and shoes 
strapped in a racing seat running flat out at Thunderhill on a 
100+ degree day you'll under stand the meaning of dehydration. 
Dehydration effects your mental acuity so you have to really be 
mentally alert. Your traveling 100mph with a car in front of you, 
behind you or next to you. There is no room for error. In Solo II 
if you spin you take out a few cones. In road racing if you spin 
you can take out yourself, others and a $100,000 dollars worth 
of machinery. Believe me with the cost of road racing what it is 
I have met no knuckle draggers. They couldn't afford it. Yes you 
work up to speed as your tires and brake warm up. But once 
your at speed if your going fast your pushing the limit the whole 
time your on the course. Having made a mistake or been forced 
off course I've taken a few 100 mph trips into the sage brush. It 
happens so fast you don't realize it happened until after its over. 
If your not in the mud you put it in gear and get back on course. 
Solo II and road racing are truely different. They are not directly 
comparible. I can say this. Someone with Solo II experience 
can transition to road racing much faster than someone who 
has never autocrossed. You just have to break some Solo II 
habits. Enough said. FWIW.


In a message dated 12/20/01 7:33:35 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Subj:     AutoX  vs.  Road Racing
 Date:  12/20/01 7:33:35 AM Pacific Standard Time
 Hmmm I was surprised to hear John say this! So how
 many out there autox because they can't afford to
 roadrace? I'm sure most road racers see autox as a
 poor man's roadrace. Or is it the brain surgery of
 racing, one mistake and it's all over...Craig
 How about a sexual parallel? Autocrossers do it by themselves (Solo TM?), 
road racers do it with others? Hmmm? Either way is fun, but doing it with 
others is potentially more fun, but more dangerous. Hmmm? With autocross, you 
only have to be concerned with yourself, with road racing you have to be 
(should be) concerned with others moves. Hmmm? Maybe we don't want to go 
there, after all!
 Seriously, now. Road racing can be physically more demanding,that is why we 
have medical exams. Autocross is more mentally demanding (IQ tests, anyone?). 
You have to learn fast, with no prior experience on the circuit. In road 
racing, you can work up to the car's peak performance. In autocross, if you 
do that, It's June and you are in seventh place in class! - Seth Emerson

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