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Re: Results from Round 6

To: "James Creasy" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Results from Round 6
From: "Joey Jarosz" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 22:40:15 -0800
> sorry to say but you got pasted by a miata in novice 1.

Hey what can I say: it was early, we had a party the night before, and
someone was making lots of white russians. My only goal was to beat my
teammate (which I did). I got a slow start with my first two runs being very
slow even by my standards... Too bad I won't get a chance to go against that
miata again next year... Anybody got any 411 on that miata and/or its

> novice class is street tires tread wear >120.  stock classes can run any
> tire.  (includes kumho V700 and hooiser autox tires)

Ah, so I'm not totally crazy... I was only half wrong about where a >120
rating was required. Unfortunately my new 335's will definitely push me out
of SS and into BSP next year... where I am sure I'll take a beating by many
with a lot more experience than me...

thanx for info,

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