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RE: AAS-2002??????

To:, Navid Kahangi <>
Subject: RE: AAS-2002??????
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:21:38 -0500
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by Navid Kahangi


Did SCCA actually announce this, or are you just predicting?  And would it
be like the asphalt at GGF?

-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

Check Danny Shields' column in Sports Car. I think it's the most recent
The rumor mill was working heavy on this at Topeka. During the Solo Events
Board's town meeting it was a discussion topic. There's supposed to be
another area at Forbes Field suitable for a site.
        The good Colonel who manages the airport also stated, publicly, a
price tag of $7 million plus. to pave the place.

The asphalt at GGF when we first ran there in the late '80s and early '90s,
was in far better condition then than now. Somewhere along the way I've
explained how we lost the site to a few folks. It's a long, and probably
tedious, listing of stuff that happened inside SF Region and the local
politicians. Ask me about it some time off line.

--John Kelly

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