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Re: NASA/X December cancellation

Subject: Re: NASA/X December cancellation
From: Dennis Hale <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 19:19:49 -0800 (PST)
Says John Kelly:
>Somehow we missed notice of that event's
cancellation. >It would be most helpful if you
included North >American Pylon on your distribution
>Just last week I encouraged a fellow living on the
>Deep Peninsula to take in your event. Now he'll think
>it's me who sabotaged him.

Are you REALLY sure you want to go here again??? I
recommend most folks delete this now! 
Or at least SHIELDS UP Scotty!

We supplied Pylon with much material for years.
There were lots of problems.
Editing was done with no writer's approval. This is
generally called censoring.
Stories were capriciously chosen or forgotten. Again
without notification. This is called a lack of
journalistic courtesy.
There was a very awkward mandatory format required.
When other writers were no longer using this format
that wasn't ours but we were required to use it, a
certain negative feeling erupted. A very late
Congratulations to Katie for breaking that awful
format curse!
There was no appreciation or acknowlegement
forthcoming. I feel this was some sort of misplaced
competition thing.
So we stopped submitting stories.
They still are written and are included with every set
of results we send out.
No one ever seemed to notice this before. Or care.

The four charity NASA/X events scheduled for 2001 were
posted in November 2000.
They were printed all year in Pylon for those who read
The SFR Slush schedule was posted in August/September.
8 or 9 months later.
It set a competing event against the charity event.
I protested that this was stepping on another event.
A great screeching was heard across the net for the
use of the term stepping on.
I cancelled the much less worthy charity event in
deference of the more important Slush round.
In September.
As demanded.
By you John.
No secrets.

This normally private type disagreement is posted to
the open net since I was not a private recipient of
the lament folks.
Sorry if it offends, but, 
no, I am NOT sorry. Just tired of the game. 

Dennis Hale
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