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RE: Driving unfamiliar cars

To: "Andy McKee" <>,
Subject: RE: Driving unfamiliar cars
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:56:44 -0800
I couldn't reach the pedals nor steering wheel in Rich's car, and had to
use my abs to hold myself up.

Andy totally kicked our BUTTS in the Elan. I don't care what he says. I
can't remember the other times, but I distinctly remember watching Don
Mc. run over all of the cones.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy McKee []
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 1:48 PM
To: Navid Kahangi;
Subject: RE: Driving unfamiliar cars

I was hoping no one else noticed Rich's lapse into insanity.  Must have
the pulled muscle.

In any case, I actually took two runs in Rich's car and the first one
was at
least 2 seconds behind Rich's time.  I had the same problem with the
response that Don McKenna had, and promptly ran over most of the first
And leaving it in third was more of a necessity for a spoiled stock car
like myself, as my shifting in the Elan was ..ahem.. less than


--- Navid Kahangi <> wrote:
> Rich said this about Andy:
> > 3. He has car control touch and feel worthy of the gods
> > as evinced by his driving through the esses with the
> > back end hung out at about thirty degrees.
> > 
> Like I said: "Freak of nature"!!!
> --Navid

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