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RE: auto cross content (I hope)

To: <>, "'r0ger perry'" <>
Subject: RE: auto cross content (I hope)
From: "Giles Douglas" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 18:10:46 -0800
Would the school be run from the sacramento chapter again?


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Kenneth Allan
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 5:13 PM
To: r0ger perry
Subject: Re: auto cross content (I hope)


If you are an Evolution school graduate, than you should sign up for
Phase 2. Phase 2 will complement Phase 1. Phase 1 is totally different
than Phase 2. The Evolution school is tentative scheduled for June
again, pending site and instructor availability.

You should contact Barbara Ogg at to see if there is an
opening and which day the Phase 2 school will be held.

What I do recall is that there will be a Phase 1 school both days on
that particular weekend, a Phase 2 on one day and a Phase 3 or Dial-In
school on the other day.

Barbara should have all the particulars insofar as dates, openings,
$$$.$$, etc. I'm just one of the instructors.

r0ger perry wrote:
> I would like to know about any (all) auto-x schools, classes etc. for the
> coming year (northern Ca.).
> I made it to the evolution school in Sacramento, but missed the NASA
> and the sfr school was full by the time I heard about it. I need to do
> something to learn this darn sport.
> Thanks
> Roger

Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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