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Re: Tech on Grid (was: Informal Poll on pre-reg.)

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>,,
Subject: Re: Tech on Grid (was: Informal Poll on pre-reg.)
From: James Creasy <>
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 11:23:10 -0800
i agree with katie... separate tech helps the event run more smoothly.  i
almost decided to do this at my events, but figured it would be upsetting
the apple cart in the middle of the season when everyone expected
tech-on-grid.  of course, i ended up teching alot of cars myself.


----- Original Message -----
From: Kelly, Katie <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 10:28 AM
Subject: RE: Tech on Grid (was: Informal Poll on pre-reg.)

> Charlie writes...
> >This brings up one of my problems with tech on grid.  Not only >do
> event chairs end up teching a lot of cars, but if you find a >problem,
> lots of times there's not enough time for the
> >competitor to fix it.
> I used to be a fan of tech-on-grid, but now I see the pattern. People
> eventually get their cars on grid, leave them there with their hoods
> open, and then take off. Then, there usually isn't someone working tech.
> So, then it's just a mad dash to get cars teched quickly (and not
> thoroughly), and THAT'S what I see holding up the events. Random
> entrants volunteer to do it, the event chairs do it, or they're
> wandering about trying to find someone to work tech. Besides that, even
> chairs should not be teching cars.
> I'm all for going back to the "old days," when you got your car teched,
> and THEN put it on grid. That's how it's going to be at the Boondoggle,
> dammit.
> Katie Kelly, in a panic already

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