on 10/31/01 19:17, Cheryl Grantz at sgrantz@peoplepc.com wrote:
> There were more DNWs because the event chairs couldn't believe there were
> never enough workers when there were always lots of cars on grid. The event
> chairs and several other people worked almost every run group to keep the
> event running.
> So every worker sheet was compared to the results to see if the lack of
> workers was due to some people not even signing up to work. Result: more DNWs.
> If you've been using this method to get out of working, the party's over.
> Sherry
>> From: "Pat Kelly" <lollipop487@home.com>
>> Please note the number of DNWs in Round 3's results...
>> - --Pat K
Thank You, Thank You, Thank...(you get the picture)