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RE: Spring Compressor?

To: "James Creasy" <>,
Subject: RE: Spring Compressor?
From: "Vitaly Iourtchenko" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 11:21:53 -0800
First time I was putting springs/shocks in the Honda, I rented a
spring compressor from Grand Auto. The one with two clamp thingies
with hooks.

So you clamp down both sides of the spring, and alternate
tightening the nut (1/2 a turn at a time). I compressed it
without a problem, got the shock out, and proceeded to
loosen the clamps to free the spring. I don't know how I got
sloppy (as I would loosen one side no more than 1/2 a turn),
but before I knew it, the clamp on one side of the spring
snapped with a loud bang, and moved right next to the other
clamp. It looked like the letter D, with the spring curled
in a half-circle, the inner coils almost touching each other.

At that point, I remembered all the stories about loose
springs busting holes in garage walls and ceilings, and
walked to the nearest garage. The mechanic was pretty
entertained at the sight of me carrying a loaded spring
on fully extended arms, but didn't want to touch it. They
insisted I pay the hourly rate for them to work on it.

Moral of the story: be careful.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Creasy []
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 8:57 AM
To: Ian Green; Alan Gruner; Bay Area Autox
Subject: Re: Spring Compressor?

someone i know had a spring get loose- it flew by his head and punched a
hole in the ceiling of his garage.

you can buy a spring compressor for under $15, or borrow one from pep
et al.

play it safe please!

OSP #74

----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Green <>
To: Alan Gruner <>; Bay Area Autox
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: Spring Compressor?

> Alan,
> Its not a good idea but you can change shocks on a civic without a
> compressor. Two ways.
> 1.) take out the assembly. Get an air wrench lean all your wieght onto
> wrech with the shock vertical and against the ground. use the air
> remove the retaining nut. It only pops a little, the springs aren't
> compressed to much. This is what i always did.
> 2.) remove the retaining nut first. With the car on the ground remove
> nut before anything else. Then when you raise the car and remove the
> the assembly will come apart. This was another way I've heard.
> I know these ways are to safe and don't recommend them but they work.
> don't try this at home. Is that enough disclaimers?
> Ian
> STS #99
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Alan Gruner <>
> To: Bay Area Autox <>
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 9:58 PM
> Subject: Spring Compressor?
> > Does anyone have a spring compressor I could borrow
> > this week. I finally got new dampers for my Civic and
> > I wanted to try to get them installed before next
> > Sunday's event. For those of you wondering, I live in
> > Redwood City. Thanks.
> >
> >
> > Alan Gruner
> > Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
> >

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