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Re: Poor, poor tires..

Subject: Re: Poor, poor tires..
From: "Jake Hodges" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 04:14:32 +0000
You got me, Mike.  As soon as that green flag goes down, my del Sol turns 
into the Kelly's Seven, only without the light part, the good handling part, 
or the skilled drivers part.

Sorry, James.  My friend would love your car almost as much as I do, but I'm 
afraid there's a little bit more to that particular friendship than just the 
tire thing.  And John..  I'm running ES.  No rear sway bar (damn the '95!), 
no springs, and no camber adjustment for me.  Uungh..  I guess I'll have to 
admit to myself that I have a problem if I want to have any kind of a normal 
life again with respect to tire wear.

"Slow in, fast out," reminds me of that Kids in the Hall sketch.. "Never put 
salt in your eyes."  If you've seen that one, you can imagine what my runs 
are like.

If you see me before the eighth run group on Sunday, please tell me to cool 
off!  It'll be like a little intervention.  I'm the guy in the black del Sol 
gritting his teeth and shooting fire out of his eyes at the start.  I never 
seem to get it under control before my second fun-run.

Thanks again to you all!  Have I told you lately that I love you?



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