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Re: Scheduling

Subject: Re: Scheduling
From: Jesus Villarreal <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:47:37 -0700 wrote:
> Mike writes:
> > Katie- I think you meant, when he gets old, cause clearly no one here
> >
> Yeah, what he said!  I mean, sometimes autocrossers (who shall remain
> nameless) even meet in the 60's, have kids in the 70's, and continue to
> autocross into the millenium (along with their 2 daughters) without growing
> up!

Yeah, ditto!! There's guy(a born hawaiian) who bought a Corvette in the
sixties, began autoxing with it, went through 3 wives, kept the car, and
kept autoxing to this very day. He even goes to Hawaii every year and
coordinates the vacation so he can run an event on Oahu in a rented car.
We can grow old, but we will not grow up!


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