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Re: Of Course!

Subject: Re: Of Course!
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 20:05:37 EDT
In a message dated 10/7/01 4:35:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
<<  I clearly recall a Fresno chapter course with a pin turn from about four
 years ago, and fuzzily recall an Oakland course with one.  I found them
 very challenging, since *I* had to make the decision on the best way to
 wheel an ESP Camaro around.  I don't see why a pin turn't a valid element
 as long as there is enough course width to allow valid lines to be chosen.
Hey Kevin, you'll enjoy this. At a Corvair National convention about 15 years 
ago, they had a pin turn and then some. Instead of just a 135 degree turn 
around the far pin, the cars were required to make a complete circle around 
the pin plus the 135 turn. It was a spectator highlight to say the least! The 
generally oversteering Corvairs were a delight to watch goof around the turn. 
The more powerful ones planted the front and donuted around the pylon. It 
would have made Alex Zanardi proud! Think about that turn in your old Camaro! 
   I recently laid out a Lockheed event where, at the far end of the course, 
they passed through an opening with a pylon about 150 feet away. They could 
do anything they wanted as long as they went around the cone (actually a 
three cone cluster) and returned through the opening. 30 drivers, three runs, 
90 different lines! And most drivers loved it! - Seth

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