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RE: Setup workers needed

To: Vernon Head <>
Subject: RE: Setup workers needed
From: Chris Warner <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:40:06 -0700
I'll help setup, see ya at 8am

Chris Warner
95 Talon tsi AWD #52 esp <--  whoo hoo!!

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Vernon Head
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 10:46 AM
Subject: Setup workers needed

First of all, for anyone who might want to email me, my new email address is

This weekend I will be chairing the event at Golden Gate Fields. I will be
needing setup workers as usual. I will be arriving about 7:30 and the first
car goes out at 10. I would like to have a full crew at the site by 8:00.

I assume that Brian Nemy will be there as Safety Steward and to assist me in
getting the motorhome. Brian, could you email me to confirm?

My course will be an approximation of this year's South course at Nationals,
allowing of course for safety concerns.

Who is doing registration?

I will bring gypsum to the event.

See you there!

-Vernon Head

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