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Re: Tire Questions

To:, Bryan Medway <>
Subject: Re: Tire Questions
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:37:06 -0700
SFR and no fun runs? Not true...they happen at the end of the day, usually,
if there is time and the co-chairs are up to it, and are free, no charge. :)
It all depends on how many show up and pay to run, and how efficiently the
event is run (er, ah, no oil spills....)
--Pat K
>To: Bryan Medway <>
>Subject: Re: Re: Tire  Questions
>Date: Wed, Aug 22, 2001, 11:29 AM

>You should know better than to get me riled...Good thing for you that SFR 
>doesn't have fun runs.  If they did, on Sunday you and your fragile male 
>ego would be SUCH dead meat ;-P...
>The Grrrl =)
>Bryan Medway <> wrote:
>bahh. AWD is for wussies! Right Debbie?
>/me ducks
>:bryan medway
>01 Neon ES

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