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Re: 2001 MS150 Bike Tour

Subject: Re: 2001 MS150 Bike Tour
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 09:38:26 EDT
Hi.  I received the following from a very dear friend of mine whom I've known
since we were freshmen in college, which predates my autocrossing for about a
  Just to get the tie-in as to why I'm sending this to an autocross list out
of the way, I know of at least one person related to autocrossing (who wishes
to remain nameless) who may have MS.

Thanks for reading on...

Charlie Davis

 I have a proposition for you, and I'm going to make this really easy: This
is my ninth year riding the MS150 and it is my ninth year to be captain of a
team, and we are not just any team - we are called the Wild Horse Creek
Crusaders (quite a mouthful).  Last year, our team had 116 riders in the
MS150 for 2000, and we raised over $66,000 to benefit multiple sclerosis -
that made our team 15th in the Nation in fundraising - out of over 1300 teams
- quite an accomplishment!!!! For those of you who do not know what multiple
sclerosis is:  Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling disease of
the central nervous system.  Symptoms can run the vary from slightly blurred
vision to complete paralysis.  The progress, severity, and specific symptoms
of MS in any one person cannot yet be predicted.  Most people with MS are
diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40, but the unpredictable physical and
emotional effects are lifelong. The pledge money raised from the MS150 Bike
Tour  is used to provide funding for the advances in research and treatment. 
This research and treatment gives hope to those affected by the disease.  
For more information about multiple sclerosis, please visit the web site of
the National Multiple Sclerosis Society at  <A
HREF="";></A> Some of you
receiving this letter have first hand knowledge about MS, as one or more of
your family members is affected by MS - my hope for improved treatment, and
ultimately a cure, goes out to you and your family.  I speak with empathy
about this, as my family knows the challenges of dealing with MS. This is
where I hope you can help those who deal with MS - be it a family member, or
a friend, or someone you know at work. Our team this year will be over 200
riders strong - we have 205 committed to riding the 2001 MS150 as I write
this letter.  The event itself is September 8th and 9th.  On Saturday,
September 8, our 200 riders, along with about 1800 other riders will take off
from Troy, Missouri, and ride 75 miles to Mexico, Missouri.  Then on Sunday,
we will ride the 75 miles back to Troy, Missouri - a total of 150 miles,
hence the MS150.  We are so looking forward to this year's ride - for the
first time, we have set two goals for our team:
200 riders!!!!
$100,000 in funds raised!!!! We will definitely make the first goal of 200
riders.  The second goal is more difficult, but we think, achievable, with
your help.  This is where you come in.  I am asking you to make a pledge to
help us achieve our goal of $100,000, and I'm going to make this really easy
for you.  The pledge can be for any amount - every little bit helps, so there
is no pledge that is too small.  I know things in our economy are not the
best right now, so whatever you can do is fine, but please help.  You can
make your pledge two ways:
on line, by visiting  <A
HREF="";></A> Click on
Donations and fill in
the information about yourself.  The type of donation will be a pledge,
specifically for the MS 150 Bike Tour Rider  For the remaining information
required, please fill in as follows: Honoree Name*   Sharon Marshall
Honoree Address*   1611 Hanna Road
City*   Valley Park
State*   MO
ZIP*   63088 Then just submit.
Or, if you are not comfortable with the on line donation, please just send a
check made payable to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to the address
noted above.  I will make sure the checks are taken to the local chapter
office. Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to read my letter,
and for helping us raise money for multiple sclerosis.  You are all so kind.

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