> Unless I'm doing the math wrong, the reason I leased my SAAB was that it was
> cheaper than buying.
> Here is a current ad running in the papers:
> 2001 SAAB 9-3-SE Convertible MSRP $41,770
> Lease: 499/month 36 months
> $3492 lease inception: includes 1st month lease payment, sec dep, acq fee
> Option to purchase at end of lease for: $20,049
> Therefore, cost of lease = 3492 + (35 x 499) = 20,957
> If I intended to buy the car, I would add the 20,049 which then totals
> $41,006.
You could look it up:
MSRP 41770
Invoice 38178
holdback -840
dealer cost 37338
There may also be factory to dealer incentives.
Rich Urschel