> I guess I've gotten to the point where my feet automagically know
> which one is
> supposed to be braking if I need to shift, but not yet to the point
> where I
> have my braking points compensated yet!
Of course if you always right foot brake, then there is no
compensating :-)
I used to plow snow in Colorado for a living with an automatic pickup.
I always used my left foot when braking because it was faster, and time
was money.
When I started Solo, I used my left foot and thought I was doing well.
Then I watched and talked to Gene (can't remember his last name) from
Team Viper at Dodge during a Viper clinic. This guy was a road racer
who was showing us the new ACR on a Solo course at Mather. He tore up
everybody, including Rich Bontempi, by several seconds. He never used
his left foot. I asked him about it and he said he tried in the past,
but saw he was 'covering' the pedal too much and was 'probably'
exerting a little tiny pressure when he shouldn't be. His advice was
quick hands and feet and some other pearls of wisdom I don't remember
right now.
Now, I leave my left foot braking to plowing snow in auto transmission
4WD pickups.
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