Skip Barber two day driving school. It was fantastic and I learned a
ton. There was even a 16 year old there, sent by his parents to pass
the class before he got his license. He had never driven a stick
before and at the end was taking the Vipers around an autocross course.
They taught car control theory, the physics behind suspension and what
happens to a car in various situations (class room work). Outside we
went through many lane change situations, threshold breaking practice,
skid control, and proper (according to skip and friends) hand movement.
A week after the course I used what I learned on the Sunol Grade to
avoid a car by diving onto the shoulder and threshold breaking my Neon.
Before the class I probably would have locked the wheels and held on.
Well worth the money. This was at Laguna about three years ago. I
will send my kids there when the time comes.
--- Rob Weinstock <> wrote:
> Is anybody aware of decent driving instruction available for folks
> that
> didn't learn to drive until they were adults?
> This would be non-autox, non-high performance oriented, and instead
> focused
> on things like accident avoidance, car positioning, etc.
> Regards,
> Rob Weinstock
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