For several years Don McKenna was our sound guy; I think now it's Kevin
Stevens (I'm not sure). Whoever it is should be out taking readings of
particularly loud cars (and we do have some). Also, for years, we've had
the 95dbA at 100 feet because we originated at the Alameda County
Fairgrounds, which required that limitation. We've carried that ever
since. This sound limitation is supposed to be enforced at all events.
:) Don't know if it is, but I'm sure I'll find out when the 7 is running
this weekend. For San Diego, we have to get it down to 93dbA at 50 feet.
As someone pointed out the distance is very important; also affecting
the sound level can be cloud cover (cloudy days will be noisier than
sunny days), where the exhaust is pointing, all kinds of little things.
--Pat Kelly
Dan USA wrote:
> This page didn't give a distance. And it differs greatly from the 95db that
> Pat came up with. I saw that page and I'll go by that if anyone asks. Man,
> what a noncommittal law. I can't believe they can make anything stick. All
> I know is the Harley down the street make my car sound like an electric car.
> Dan
> >
> > What is the regulated distance to measure this at?
> > > After 1985 .......................................... 80 dbA
> > >
> > > Any chance that the club DB meter might be at a future autocross to see
> > > where we stand? Not enforcement just information. :^)
> > > Dan
> > > (With the loudest street 944 turbo I've heard.)