-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
Message text written by "Craig Haggart, Accelerator Ops"
" Track time credit at Thunderhill?
Not all instructors are interested in driving at Thunderhill, so offering
free track time there wouldn't necessarily be a plus. Thunderhill is an
incorporated separate business operated by the Region and is not related to
the Solo II program. Thunderhill has a paid staff.
(There has been disagreement at several levels about how well some of those
staff members are paid.)
The rest of the club is run by volunteers.
>>Anything? From what I understand, the Solo II
>>program is a huge revenue generator that helps offset the costs
>>of other SCCA racing programs.
Not in San Francisco Region. SF Region's Solo II program is self-supporting
and uses its income to finance its future activities. Solo II money is kept
in a separate bank account and does not support the Region's road racing
program. It has been that way since 1975.
(Separate accounts are not a reality in all SCCA regions. Indeed in
some regions Solo II does finance that region's other activities.)
What the Region does receive is the regional dues money, i.e.
$20/person. $45 goes to National. The National money is used to finance the
rule-making committees, insurance, etc.
In return from Regional dues, all Solo II people receive The Wheel
from SFR. You tell me if it's of value to you.
>>The club surely must recognize
>the value of the volunteers that make this happen. "
Indeed. If there is one thing everyone agrees upon, it's that we volunteers
are the people that make it all happen.
--John Kelly