I think she liked your alignment, if you ask me, huh huh huh, nudge, nudge.
-----Original Message-----
From: Scot Zediker [mailto:roadsterboy@earthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 7:00 PM
To: Kelly, Katie; 'Donald R McKenna'; craig boyle; Chin, Elbert
{Chem~Palo Alto}; 'BAYLISS, E. J. (PBD)'; 'John J. Stimson-III';
Subject: Re: Alignment shops?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly, Katie" <kkelly@spss.com>
To: "'Scot Zediker'" <roadsterboy@earthlink.net>; "'Donald R McKenna'"
<donbarbmckenna@earthlink.net>; "craig boyle" <craig_autox@yahoo.com>;
"Chin, Elbert {Chem~Palo Alto}" <ELBERT.CHIN@Roche.COM>; "'BAYLISS, E. J.
(PBD)'" <EJ.Bayliss@sbcdo.com>; "'John J. Stimson-III'" <john@idsfa.net>;
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: Alignment shops?
> Well, you DID get married, didn't you? I think you have a certain
> shop in the east bay to thank for that.
Uh, no. That was all me ;) Except for the part that was her. Hey, she
understands our particular addiction, and she comes along anytime she can.
Now, how could I NOT marry someone like that?