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Pylon for December 2000

To: <>
Subject: Pylon for December 2000
From: "Anthony Tabacco" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 09:44:35 -0800
Has anyone at the last SC meeting had a chance to review and comment on the
Solo2 Events Guide? This week is always a very slow business time for us,
and it would be a great time to polish it up. Of particular use for Fred to
(whats the right word here?) solicit Chair help for the upcoming season
would be the easy single form quick reference stuff such as the Events
Checklist, the Drivers Meeting Abstract, the Inventory of Supplies and the
sources for supplies. They seem succinct, easy to follow (and, hint, edit).
If you lost the hard copies, I can email you these short documents.
Otherwise I just have to go down and stand around by the mail box drinking
beer until my NA Pylon comes.

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