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Re: ba-autox-digest V1 #272

Subject: Re: ba-autox-digest V1 #272
From: "Peter Mottaz" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 22:05:15
So now you should be encouraged to register and attend the banquet - even if 
you aren't getting trophy. Come out - be a winner, have a good meal, have 
some fun and celebrate our shared insanity.

Pete Mottaz

>The grand autocross poobah wrote:
>It is my great pleasure to announce that The San Francisco Region Awards
>Banquet (January 13, 2001, at the San Ramon Marriott) will be the best yet.
>We'll have Videos and "slide show" that will be the best to date, and have
>arranged (through the efforts of your Steering Committee and especially E. 
>Bayliss) the following door prizes for SCCA members attending the Solo 2
>portion of the banquet:
>10 "Get out of work, free" certificates - courtesy of the Solo 2 Program
>10 "Free Solo 2 entry" certificates - courtesy of the Solo 2 Program
>2 free one year subscriptions to Pylon - courtesy of Kelly Communications
>2 sets of tires mounted and balanced - courtesy of Barry Goldine's 
>2 custom alignments - courtesy of C2 Automotive
>2 custom alignments - courtesy of Spencer's Racing Services
>1 freebie (probably a helmet bag) from Bell Motorsports
>4 gift certificates ($50.00, $75.00, $100.00 and one helmet) from Bell
>Motorsports - courtesy of the Solo 2 program
>4 certificates for $400 each for tires at ADDS - courtesy of the Solo 2
>2 entries to Street Schools at Thunderhill - courtesy of San Francisco 
>SCCA and Thunderhill (thanks to our Regional Executive, R.J. Gordy)
>Now THAT'S a list of door prizes!
>Reservations for the banquet must be received by Jim Keane by Jan. 1 2001.
>There is a reservation form available at the SFR Website (
>Charlie Davis


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