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RE: idle question

To: "Anthony Tabacco" <>, <>
Subject: RE: idle question
From: "Kit Wetzler" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:26:54 -0800
> I have to sit in front of this machine all day and do contracts. I hate
> contracts. Suddenly it occurred to me that I must know if there is any
> reason to retain fuel injection for a D Prepared Miata. In
> reviewing Chapter
> 15 and the provisions of Appendix A, I can assume that National motors are
> built with a Weber sticking in their side. I can assume that,
> can't I? Idle question, take your time.

Hm.  I don't know why you'd want to go to icky carbs, when you can use one
of the popular speed density systems, like an Electromovie TEC-II.  Shiv
Pathak at Vishnu Performance can set you up with a really good NA Miata
program.  He's local to the bay area.

mmmm, 3d fuel maps...

        -kit, considering TEC-IIing his bimmer

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