I agree with Charlie [about the window up rule]. At DeAnza 3 years ago
now, I was driving my buddy's brand new stock civic on hoosiers and right
before I went to run, somebody came up and told me I had to put the window up.
Let me just say autocross is a lot more sonic experience than I
thought. You can't hear the engine or the tires with the window up.
Not to mention if you do roll over you'll get glass everywhere!!!! I'm
sure that's more likely to cause harm than somebody sticking their hand
out. Having the window down is also better for safety as grid marshalls
and stewards can yell at you when they need to.
At 06:57 AM 10/25/00, Smokerbros@aol.com wrote:
>That's one that I will fight! I lived through some of the days of NCSCC with
>that rule, and how it was applied (inconsistently...)