Josh Sirota writes...
>To tide you over, picture a bunch of Pintos that >*barely* run well
>enough to make it through a single run, each
>driven by 4 or so high
>school students who made the thing *barely* run >themselves, and you have
>the basic idea.
That's an excellent description, Josh.
One of the kids, Tomas Stokl, I believe, an immigrant from the Czech
Republic was really talented. I think he actually trophied in the CSP points
race. There was a Killer Pintos from Outer Space Autocross School that I got
to teach at. I was amazed at what a natural driver he was, and his humility
more than I could stand. HOW did he do that, I demanded. "Oh, it's not so
good," said this seventeen year old. "Oh, I have many, many problems. It's
just not right." He made it look so easy.
Dan Cole had offered a ride in his BM Silver Fox to the top Killer Pinto
driver, which would have been Tomas, but when the season was over, we never
saw him again. Too bad.
Katie K.