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RE: Turnouts

To: "Boris Elpiner" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Turnouts
From: Dan Bratten <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 14:42:28 -0700
At 1:51 PM -0700 8/31/00, Boris Elpiner wrote:
>1. Set maximum number of entries ( I'd say 200, but I don't want to
>sidetrack the discussion)
>2. Set a minimum of 6-7 events to participate in the regular SFR
>championship series and 3-4 for the Slush
>3. The championship participation cards can be purchased prior to the
>beginning of the season. How about we start at the banquette? NO REFUNDS.
>4. We'll stop selling cards when we'll reach maximum or 50% of the series is

I'm curious to know how attendance of all 200 (or only the 120-140) 
to the same minimum 6-7 events and non-attendance to the remaining 
events could be handled? If the majority loved GGF say, lived close, 
and did not care for other sites something skewed could happen.

If enough people were turned away from events that were full with the 
pre-registered entrants wouldn't they be likely to not even try to 
enter the events that had few pre-registered participants show up? 
Could this lead to events where the site fee wasn't covered?


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