I just received a note telling me I had no sense of humour at all.
All righty then, here is the funniest joke I know. This is from a
clipping from a local paper regarding actual testimony in a
murder trial conducted in one of the Bay Area counties. I am
not making this up.
The defendant's attorney is cross examining the coroner.
att: At the time you examined the victim, did you check his pulse?
cor: No.
att: Did you listen for a heart beat?
cor: No.
att: Did you ascertain whether he was still breathing or not?
cor: No.
att: So, at the time you signed the death certificate you didn't
really know for sure whether he was dead or not, did you?
cor: Ah, well, his head was in a jar in my lab, but I suppose
he could be running around out there somewhere practicing law.
Play nice, I'm going to work where I do not subscribe to such
fun stuff.
Rich Urschel