I think we're all getting into a huff over one event. I fear we will do
another knee jerk over-reaction and commit to something we may regret
later on. The membership requirement is already working. I'm speaking
from experience, remembering when we'd get a lot of memberships at first
requirement, then they would gradually drift down. Another experience is
that many of the regulars in the Championship Series will slack off
during the Slush Series, which was originally intended as a second
chance at trophy if you started too late in the first series. Our entry
level will drop, though I don't have a hat I'd eat if I'm wrong.
The basic problem was the course design and the reluctance of starters
to close the time gap between cars for safety's sake. Next time, who
ever does the course should consider that problem. I doubt we need an
elaborate solution.
--Pat Kelly
Hat not ready.
Jerry Mouton wrote:
> I believe that the way things are going, the only
> fair and reasonable way to solve the attendance
> problem is to have two series of events, to really
> split off Rookies and Champs.
> Let's not put in any entry cutoffs, or onerous restrictions
> on entries. We really do want to continue to recruit
> new drivers! We just need to find a way to give all the
> chance to run in uncrowded events, and learn autocrossing.
> After all, some say our mission is to develop the winningest team
> of competitors at Nationals..
> Suppose we put on a Rookie Series -- only open to those with
> less than two years' experience and those signed up as Mentors
> or instructors. These rookies would be also
> learning to run events by chairing events and running them
> with the help of some select experienced drivers.
> The incentive for mentors and instructors is the chance to
> run more events and get the additional seat time. No
> points would be given to mentors and instructors, but Rookies
> would compete for trophies as now.
> We also put on a Championship Series, open only to those
> who have competed in a certain number of autocrosses
> (Rookie series or other clubs). There would not be any
> Rookie program, and no instruction at these events. Entrants
> must pre-register for the series and pay in advance for all
> events. The goal would be for people to run in a specific
> class for points.
> There could be eight or ten events in each series, and events
> would never conflict, so Championship entrants could
> always be available for mentoring.
> The Autocross school could be combined with the Rookie Series
> such that nobody who did not compete in Rookie series could
> attend the school. I for one hate wasting my time teaching
> people who just want a day's entertainment with no real
> interest in the sport..
> All of the Slush Series would be Rookie events, and no
> Open class trophies would be awarded -- also all experienced
> drivers must be mentors and/or instructors to be able to run.
> Fewer serious autocrossers would attend Rookie events. No
> Rookies would be eligible to attend the Championship Series.
> Each would have a more reasonable number. We should be able
> to bring in 150-175 to each event, which would be a very
> reasonable number. Those who just liked to run and didn't care
> about points would run the rookie events as mentors for no points,
> but maybe lots of seat time. Those who didn't want to train
> rookies would get a serious series for hard-bitten competitors
> running with experienced folks only, run by experienced folks
> only. Fewer events, but better. And they could also attend
> AAS, NASA, and Sac events to get a full plate of events.
> This would also mean fewer events in the Championship series,
> which would answer some complaints by our serious competitors
> about too many events.
> We would not have to get any more venues than we did this
> year, for example. We might assign Championship events to the
> best surfaced sites, too.
> We could start this year's Rookie Series off in this way -- no Open
> Class trophies, Rookie trophies only. Old timers can run only if
> they take a mentor or instructor role. Extensive training
> on running events for the rookies. We can continue the
> program next year.
> Jerry
> Jerry Mouton mailto:jerry@moutons.org Laissez les bons temps
> rouler!