True, if there is interference you need to pick a non-zero
squelch code. But if the airwaves are clear, using zero gives you
better reception.
Giles Douglas wrote:
> However squelch code 0 means no squelch, so what you should do is pick a
> squelch code other than 0. 0 will receive any transmission on the channel
> you've chosen (which is also a compatibility feature with the older models -
> you can listen, but you can't send).
> At least, this is how mine work (it gets amusing when skiing and you set it
> on 0 - it appears every person on the mountain has one of the damn things!)
> Giles
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Michael R. Clements
> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 6:17 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: GGF 8/27 Talkabouts Channel ?
> They have 14 channels and each channel has 36 "squelch codes".
> That is 504 combinations, all of which are independent and
> non-interfering with each other. They work pretty well at all
> settings, but the best transmission range & quality seems to be
> on channel 7, squelch code 0.
> wrote:
> >
> > Hey All:
> >
> > Are the Talkabouts the 14 channel walkie talkies ? What channel would be
> > used ?
> > I understand the newer models have "subchannels". Could we stay on the
> basic
> > channels so owners of the older models without subchannels also tune in ?
> >
> > Don Lew
> > DSP #179 Supra
> --
> Michael R. Clements
> Criminals prefer unarmed victims.
> Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
> I am none of the above.
Michael R. Clements
Criminals prefer unarmed victims.
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
I am none of the above.