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SFRSCCA events

Subject: SFRSCCA events
From: Barry Spencer <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 22:46:59 -0700
To all,
       Is there a good reason why the SFR events are not held in 
Sacramento?. This time of the season is very important to get GOOD seat 
time for the driver's who are going to attend the Nationals.  The event at 
GGF was NOT good seat time with the condition of the surface, nor was 
Sunday's event at Marina. Even with the course on Sunday reassemble clean 
to start.  The grid area is FULL of small stones which racing slicks love 
to pick up. Then it takes half of your next run to get your tires 
clean.   3 Com park is to bumpy for mod cars. The surface is really bad at 
the Coliseum. I'm sorry if I sound VERY frustrated. Many of you may not 
know what happened to me on my second timed run on Sunday. My throttle 
stuck wide open when I crossed the finish line. With the cold weather my 
brakes didn't work very well.  I looked up to find the exit of the course 
full of cars waiting on the pre grid, and the time slip guy standing very 
close to the exit. Luckily I managed to miss everything. :>)))).   I was 
possible reaching a speed of 50mph at the finish, and having the exit going 
straight to the pre grid area was NOT GOOD.  I spoke to many people about 
the danger of the exit design. One person mentioned it was bought up before 
the event had started, and nothing was done about it.  Maybe, there added a 
small zig zag after the finish. A larger zig zag should have been added 
before the finish to slow the cars down at the finish line. I also 
mentioned it to the Safety Stewart who said talk to Ben he's the guy who 
designed the course. I would have thought the Safety Stewart's job was to 
correct a safety problem, and to over rule the course design.  Isn't that 
his job?.

Thanks for reading

Barry Spencer
EM 98
PS. When I attend  SFR events now, I feel like a rookie. Where did the old 
timers go.  AAS, SAC?

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