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Re: Group (Un)Think

Subject: Re: Group (Un)Think
From: "Kevin Lahey" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 11:30:30 -0700
In message <>,
"Kevin Stevens" writes:
>Well, if you wouldn't whine in the first place...  but thanks very much to you
>and Mark for the excellent course and event Sunday.

Much as I'd like to grab some credit, I signed on to be co-chair late
Thursday night -- Mark did all of the hard work to get things ready,
and then he designed the course.  I just got to show up and boss
people around!

I had no idea that we had 240 people -- it seemed like far fewer.
Even with a few small glitches, we still managed to get 2 fun runs
for everybody who wanted 'em, and we got Jerry out the gate with
the RV by 6:30 or so!  Having all of the fun run folks stay around
until we had the RV completely loaded was an enormous help -- not 
surprisingly, things go alot faster with 40 people cleaning up than 
with 5.


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