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Sunday's course

To: "Ba-Autox@Autox. Team. Net" <>
Subject: Sunday's course
From: Chris Tweney <>
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000 21:00:28 -0700
Wow! Quite a fun little course we got at SFR round 7.
The downhill entry to the sweeper preceding the long
back straight was particularly fun (if terrifying). I 
worked near that corner and got a kick out of watching
lots of tires lock up as the ground plunged away from
under the car.. 

I wonder about the start, though. Was it *really* the
legal 15' wide? The course from the right-hander before 
the lights up through the hard right after the chicane 
seemed painfully and unnecessarily tight to me. 
Oh well, the go-karts seemed to enjoy that one. ;)

Good event all. Kudos to the stewards who booted car #888
after he plowed through something like 20 cones. What
was UP with that guy?

#333 ES Hyundai Tiburon

"look, that Hyundai's going 110 miles an hour!"

Chris Tweney

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