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Re: Three Runs

To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: Three Runs
From: "Grantz, Sherry" <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 17:39:25 -0700
 Jeremy Bergsman helpfully contributed:
> Subject: Re: Three Runs in the Bay Area?
> While hanging out on Saturday 2 ideas occured to me.  I don't know if
> they're any good or not but I'll throw them out for target practice.
> 1) Considering beginner orientation as well as rapid throughput maybe
> instead of having beginners wander into events lost there 
> could be some kind
> of mandatory separate orientation for them.  > 
> 2) Number the flag stations and have people (sign up for)/(be 
> assigned to)
> particular ones. 

Great ideas, Jeremy. You're hired. We (the 10% who do 90% of the work) will
expect you to be at Oakland Coliseum next Sunday at 8 a.m ready to conduct
the orientation and number the flag stations and maintain this log
throughout the day. 

Oh, you thought the 10% were going to volunteer to take this on, too? Nope,
we're already busy doing the 90%.

Since I don't seem to remember you being an event chair this year (or to
have volunteered for any upcoming events) and you want to contribute to SFR
autocross, I don't see how you can refuse to accept our offer.

Craig Boyle genially contributed:
> Subject: Re: Three Runs in the Bay Area?
> Suggestion: After the first 175 entrants register,
> only SCCA members allowed. After 250 entries or 12
> noon, registration closes. 

Not a bad idea, Craig. May be manageable. Again, you're hired. We (yeah, the
10%) will expect to see you at registration when it opens at 7:30 a.m. or so
on Sunday to do the counting. It's a simple job, but you know, the current
registration crew seems to have their hands full already. 

And once again, since I don't seem to remember you being an event chair this
year (or to have volunteered for any upcoming events) and you seem to want
to contribute to SFR autocross, I don't see how you can refuse to accept our

In fact, if a whole bunch more of you people who show up, run, work, go
home, and then helpfully type up all sorts of ways to improve events, would
start putting in more time working at events we could probably run 275
cars/4 runs each and finish by 6 pm (which BTW is when we have to be out of
the Coliseum lot). 

And if we're going to start limiting entrants, I'm more in favor of going
for a "worker point program" where those who have earned a lot of points
volunteering get automatic entry any time of day. The do-nothings can run if
we have time and space for them. Hey, I'll even set up the program and run

Once again, fulfilling my official function . . .
Sherry Grantz

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