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Re: San Diego Tour and course lining (Long reply)

Subject: Re: San Diego Tour and course lining (Long reply)
From: Craig Boyle <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 08:49:16 -0700 (PDT)

--- wrote:

> I don't seem to be hampered by where the lines are,
> and usually perform at my 

I've never consciously noticed the existence of chalk
lines while driving.  Does anyone out there actually
see them?  If we were trying to help rookies, put a
chalk line down the middle of the course and say
"follow that, rookie!"  

If the current premise behind chalklines is to help
rookies not DNF, it's as relevant as eliminating
poverty in Woodside. I started autoxing with gate
style events, where there were huge percentages of
rookie DNF's - SFR does not have a problem here. 

> personal opinion is that 
> up into the 80's SFR was just way ahead in terms of
> competition.  I think the 

Before coming to SFR, I'd be at post-autox dinners and
people would talk about legends of autox with names
like Reitmeir and Butler as if they were astronauts or
movie stars or superbowl winners.  At lot of these
folks seem to have moved on - for whatever reason - so
don't we just have to wait for the next crop of talent
to emerge? - i.e. is there really a problem or are we
just in an "economic talent cycle".

> get them enthused about going out of town, and that
> we'll walk courses with 

speaking only for myself, SFR is a victim of its own
success here. When I autoxed with small clubs
(Texas/Utah) - I'd make all the tours, pro's and
divisionals- just to see where I stood with the big
guys. At SFR the weekly competition is so strong,
there's no need to test my skills elsewhere. I'll be
landscaping my back yard during the LeMoore pro :-)


> them, and help them with all the unfamiliar elements
> of those events.  We can 
> build a program that makes the National Champions of
> the future.
> Lets figure out what we can do to make it happen!

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