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re: Who's going to Lemoore Pro Solo?

Subject: re: Who's going to Lemoore Pro Solo?
From: "Peter Mottaz" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 09:11:23 PDT
Elyse and I will be running the event and given past performances at the 
Pro's...I will be available to work the challenge as well  :-)

>So, who's going to run in the event, and who's going down to work?
>I'll be going Sunday morning as a Challenge worker

With regard to the current debate on course lining - herewith my 2 cents: I 
must admit that I never understood this I feel like it (to coin 
a phrase) "just doesn't matter."

I don't beleive I am conscious (some would accuse me of not being conscious 
at all!!) of the line during my runs and I don't recall having a problem 
with the lines at San Diego(if, before this thread, you had asked me what 
side they were on I would not have been able to tell you). And though it 
does make a difference when it isn't lined at all, (having just run a 
BMW-CCA event this past weekend that had no course lining what-so-ever - it 
was very difficult to follow), if we leave things as we decided at the 
beginning of the season (i.e. allowing the option of using inner or outer 
lines), maybe over time it won't matter, we'll be comfortable with either 
way and be able to kick butt anywhere, anytime, any course lining method. Or 
am I missing something?

Pete Mottaz

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