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San Diego Tourand course lining

To: "autox- ba Email list" <>
Subject: San Diego Tourand course lining
From: "Donald R McKenna" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 20:08:43 -0700

Although I'm a member of the SFR SOLO II Steering Committee (SC), the
following reflects only my personal observations and is not intended to
either represent or reflect on opinions of my fellow SC members.

Now the subject:

Did anyone, who ran the Tour at San Diego last weekend, get "bitten" (hit
cones) due to the unfamiliarity of the course being lined on the outside?

Earlier this year, as the SFR Steering Committee (SC) was updating the SFR
SOLO II supplemental regulations (supps), we revised the paragraph (now #
18) which requires course lining.

The previous supps, the 1998 version, paragraph #15, read: " The course will
be lined with gypsum or appropriate substance on the "inside" of the pylons
marking the course".

At the November '99 SC meeting Charlie Davis proposed a revision to the
supps that, although still requiring lining, would have made it optional to
line either "inside" or "outside" the cones. Essentially, after a lot of
spirited discussion for a couple of meetings, the 2000 supps were revised to
accomplish the intent of Charlie's suggestion and paragraph #18 (as posted
as a link off the SFR SOLO II web page)  now reads: "Both sides of the
course will be lined with gypsum or an appropriate substance when allowed by
the weather and property owners. Slaloms may be lined or unlined."

The jist of the discussions, preceeding the acceptance of the new wording,
concerned some strong opinions of proponents for either "inside" or
"outside" lining of our courses. The resultant paragraph #18 wording is
intended to allow or encourage, depending on one's point-of-view, lining
different courses either way.

Although I initially was in favor of leaving things as they were, I
eventually became a proponent of always requiring lining on the outside.
However, I believe, if we routinely line both ways, as the new supps
paragraph #18 allows, we will develop a keener sense of focusing on the
cones, as the (penalty) edge of the course, thereby reducing our dependance
on the line for defining that (penalty).  Although I still prefer always
lining on the "outside", if variability in lining eventuates at SFR events,
I believe those who run out-of-area events, that are lined on the outside,
will be less likely to incur cone penalties at those events.

In addition to those who ran at San Diego, what do the rest of you think,
and why? Anyone have any "life experience" to support an opinion?

As an added observation, I'm absolutely in favor of ALWAYS lining any and
all courses. After driving (attempting to drive) the San Diego Friday
practice course, which was unlined, we were all reminded of how vital the
lines, wherever they are located , are in helping to see the course flow


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