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Re: Courses

To: Donald R McKenna <>
Subject: Re: Courses
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 14:55:26 -0700
Humpf, of course you'd like 180 degree corners...most Corvette drivers do as
the car launches so well. :-) Have you ever driven a Jeff Glorioso course? All
180s. Funny thing.
--Pat K

Donald R McKenna wrote:

> Ben,
> Its been a while since we've been challenged by the type of greater-than-90
> degree turns you incorporated in last Sunday's course. I think that kind of
> course design diversity is very helpful for maintaining our skills through
> the exposure you provided. Practicing the discipline of charging those tight
> low-gear (the whole course was low gear for us and, I might add, just fine)
> corners as hard as one could, without over-driving into the loose stuff
> (well, I did on at least one opportunity), was challenging and stimulating.
> As you implied, by your last week's response to some observations about the
> 3-Com course, you gave us something different. Thanks, it really challenges
> both our skills at driving and car set-up.
> Not just for you, but for the rest of the list, I've read with interest the
> several comments, from folks, about wanting to run "national-type" courses.
> In the recent past, we have had challenging features like (modified) chicago
> boxes and many imaginative slaloms. When site space allows, we all need, in
> order to maintain our skills, some 6+ cone slaloms,straight, curved and
> with, occasionally, tighter spacing at the end. Now that takes discipline.
> Again, thanks for giving us something different.
>         Don

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