Hello everyone, the website for AAS is up and running, there's still
some things to be finished but most of the work is done. A HUGE "THANKS"
to Jeffrey and Dominique Levenburg for all their efforts in bringing
this website up to speed. Schedule and rungroup information is available
now, along with the results for all of '99 and final points standings
for the year. Check out the new sponsors for 2000, and the class
changes, we're trying to promote competition in some classes that were
not well represented. Our first event is coming up on the 11th and 12th
of March at Mather, I hope to see some new competitors along with all
the regulars that have supported AAS for the last few years. If you want
to run on smooth concrete with some slightly faster more open courses,
then AAS is the place for YOU.
Thanks for supporting AAS in '99
Jesus Villarreal, American Auto-x Series LLC