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NASA autox school reflections - threshold braking on every turn 8)

Subject: NASA autox school reflections - threshold braking on every turn 8)
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 10:10:31 EST
We all had a great time between the intermittent rain showers yesturday. The 
shower allows us to play with the limits of our traction a little more than 
usual, which I prefer cus you go half the speed and get twice the slide. Mr 
Phil Esra had the chore of breaking some bad habits and starting some good 
ones, and was a fine instructor indeed. M biggest problem is that I never 
break enough for approaching corners, and end up bull wrestling the car on 
the exit and the next 30' or so. Phil kept pressing the point of slow in fast 
out, which i believe and thought i was doing until this point. We worked on 
breaking hard at the end of the straights and rolling in and getting back on 
the gas harder and harder. It took me awhile to make my brain believe that 
this was actually going to work, but in the end made the difference. Rather 
than understeering to the outside edge of the course on exit, Phil had me 
powering on before (up to a car length at times) diving into the apex which 
kept the car balanced and the back end planted. We did stiffen up the front 
Konis progressively up to full stiff as the day went on, and the back of the 
UFO stayed more inline with the front, rather then water skiing around to the 
outside. On one session we took out all the apex cones and ran them over 
again even it the weren't back in position, just to really feel the width of 
the car and know when your actually as tight as you can be. Once I got more 
comfortable and aggressive with HARD braking (locking up the fronts for a 
milli-second) before rolling into the corner, our exit speeds steadily 

Easily the second best $40 ever spent, the first being last years Nasa 
school. Thanks you sensay Esra, Danielson will now go and Wax on Wax off the 
UFO for the next event. And of course thank you Denise and Peggy for 
coordinating with the weather gods (kk) and heightening the autox experince 
while keeping up relatively dry. Also want'd to thank my mamma...booo hoo 
hooo....and mazda for building sucha bitchin car...yeeehaaa

~Nanda Holz and UFO
Blackn'tan 92' Special Edition 124k smiles
Walnut Creek, CA
CSP-r #836
Team M Road, Dealer Alt, Roebuck, Serious Auto, Racing Beat, Brainstorm, 
HardDog, RedLine Synthetics, YaLearnMoreOnStreetTires
Clubs - MCA, BAMA, VROOM, SCCA like you don't need the $ like nobody is watchin...and make 
luv like there is no tomorrow...oh yeah, and drive like your arse is on fire 
"If you can't drive 90hp fast, 900 ain't gonna help either."  Bob Hall

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