--- "Kelly, Katie" <kkelly@spss.com> wrote:
> Oh, I just can't stand all this silly fighting, and
> for what? Corvettes KICK
> ASS! I'll be the first to say it. Why? Because I
> hope someday, someone will
> let me drive one! And one day, yes, in my 10 car
> garage, there will be a
> Corvette parked right next to my Lucy, where they
> will sleep in peace.
Here, here! As much as I love my Miata, I have wanted
a Corvette since I was 12. I plan to own one some
day, but I probably will keep the Miata (who knows, by
the time I have my Vette, the Miata might be a
Prepared car!).
And yes, Corvettes do rock.
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