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RE: Helmets that come in hat sizes?

To: Alan Dahl <>,
Subject: RE: Helmets that come in hat sizes?
From: "Madurski, Ronald M" <>
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 16:49:47 -0400
I've found that the sizes matter much less than the construction/design.
I've tried on a lot of helmets and the ones that fit my head the best
are shoei.  The size will get you close but nothing beats trying one on
for fit and comfort.  That might  be less true for open helmets, I've
only ever had full face protection.

Ron Madurski
Lockheed Martin Technology Services
Systems Engineering Manager
304 333 5575

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Behalf Of Alan Dahl
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 4:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Helmets that come in hat sizes?
> I've come to the conclusion that I don't have a "metric" head after
> on numerous helmets recently in an attempt to replace my old Bell
> II. Unfortunately since I bought my Bell back in '97 almost all helmet
> manufacturers have gone metric, even those that sell S, M, L, XL, etc.
> actually sell metric helmets, usually with M = metric size 58 and L =
> 60. Problem is my head is about a 58.5 which results in M/58 helmets
> too tight and L/60 helmets being too loose. The only one I've found so
> that fits is the 7 3/8 Bell M5 but I'm not interested in spending over
> $300 for an autocross helmet.
> Are there any other manufacturers that offer true "hat size" helmets?
> don't need an SA helmet, M-rated will do just fine and Snell 2000 is
ok as
> well but the size really has to be a hat size (or a 59 I suppose if
> an animal exists).
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> - Alan Dahl

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