Evolution School discussion list on Yahoo Groups:
The main thread about the event is here (all 385 posts):
Weekend reading. :^)
and the officially sanctioned SCCA.com discussion list (I guess)
Matt Murray
----- Original Message -----
From: burgerc@iquest.net
Per (or anyone else),
Just out of curiosity....what are the four lists you referenced? team.net is
the only one I follow. I guess I have not kept up with times.
If I look at the volume on team.net, it is apparent that some of the
shifted somewhere else. I remember receiving several digests per day, now it
is generally one every few days. If it weren't for spam (which I didn't have
when I received multiple digests a day), I would sometimes think that my ISP
stopped operation.
This Ft. Myers thread makes me almost feel like in old times with tons of
postings and heated debates. When I see a post from Matthew Braun listing
top posters, I'll be convinced that somebody turned back the clock.