> With Danny Shields' recent articles about this and several
> postings touching on this subject along with high speeds being
> obtained by high performance stock cars (like SS), it is now high
> time to propose the removal of DOT R Tires (called "cheater
> slicks") from the stock classes. There are many arguments in
> favor of this but several readily come to mind:
> 1. The technology of stock cars and street tires is advancing and
> DOT slicks are no longer needed.
> 2. The stock class will come closer to being truly "stock" by one
> step and help the newbies.
> I am sure others on this list can add to this.
Since none of the "must have" street tire companies make a tire in my size,
I have the SPEND $$$$ to move my car to another class or SPEND $$$$$ to buy
non-competitive tires that cost as much as my "R" tires. Thank you Michelin
for stopping the manufacture of the only real competitive tire in my size.
They "only" cost twice as much as my "R" tires.
> Two other stock allowances should be considered for removal:
> 1. Cat back exhaust - the new exhausts are better.
Oh now I have the BUY a newer car! More $$$$$ out the door!
> 2. Any air filter - again better stock technology.
Again. I have to buy a newer car!
> The only one that I would keep is the shock absorber allowance
> but I would cost restrict these - if this is even possible.
Oh yeah. Keep the $2000-$3000 shocks. Toss the $500 cat back and the $40 air
> Time to make stock more "stock" and still have lots of fun.
Okay let's make stock "stock." No aftermarket wheels. OEM only. No
aftermarket shocks. OEM only. No aftermarket brake pads. OEM only. No
aftermarket harness, lap belts or "Turner Belts". If your car came with a
front sway bar, oh well. And when you can't buy OEM parts any more, spend
more $$$$ for a newer car or to go to Street Prepared or ST classes.
Everybody who wants "street tires" because it's cheaper, drive small cars
and don't want to give up some of the above. Big heavy horse power cars
chew up street tires period.
Yeah let's go back to the old showroom stock days when you had to have the
parts book with you. That'll be fun.