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Re: [evolution-disc.] Ft Myers protests

To: "Dave W" <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Ft Myers protests
From: Sam & Greg Scharnberg <>
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 21:41:24 -0600

IMHO, if you try to make absolute limits of some kind, then you need a 
positive way to enforce it.  The only way I can think of would be to 
require that radar be used by a certified operator.  You would also need 
calibration requirements for the equipment.

Greg Scharnberg

At 10:34 PM 2/19/2006 -0500, Dave W wrote:
>From: "JeanK-D@Evolution" <>
> > And Rob-
> >    What you said the outcome you should see for 2007
> > was exactly why and what the protest was ALL about.....
>If there is enough concern, the Solo Safety Committee can issue a
>safety bulletin that takes effect immediately. No need to wait until
>Dave W.

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