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FW: Jingle Dimes

Subject: FW: Jingle Dimes
From: "Larry Steckel" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 09:44:40 -0500
OK Guys and Gals, It's time for some autocross Christmas Cheer. Datsun 510 

Larry Steckel

>>In the spirit of the holiday, I offer you the first verse
>>of Jingle Dimes:
>>Dashing through the cones
>>In the Datsun five-ten way.
>>Over the line we go,
>>Laughing all the way;
>>Loud exhaust tips ring,
>>making turns left-right,
>>What fun it is to drive this thing,
>>the Datsun Five-ten's tight.
>>Throttle brakes, throttle brakes,
>>throttle all the way!
>>O what fun is to drive
>>in a solo Dime ballet.
>>Happy Christmas to you all.
>>I'll check back on Monday.

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